Parcani, Transnistria

Parcani (Romanian: Parcani; Bulgarian: Паркани, Parkani; Ukrainian: Паркани, Parkany; Russian: Парканы, Parkany) is a large commune and village in the Slobozia sub-district of Transnitria, a de facto independent entity within the internationally recognized borders of Moldova. The village has a population of around 10,500, of whom 95% are ethnic Bulgarians (Bessarabian Bulgarians). The first Bulgarian colonists arrived in the village in the early 19th century.[1] According to some sources, it is the largest Bulgarian-majority village outside the borders of Bulgaria.[2] A monument to Bulgarian national hero Vasil Levski was unveiled in Parcani in September 2008.[3]

The village lies between Tiraspol and Tighina; it is serviced by the trolleybus line between the two cities.

Болгары в Парканах 200 лет


^ "Болгары в Парканах. 200 лет." (in Russian). Retrieved 2008-10-24. ^ "Болгария поздравила жителей приднестровского села Парканы с годовщиной освобождения от фашистов" (in Russian)

^ "The history has sat down Parcani" (in Russian).

External links

Coordinates: 46°50′12″N 29°30′32″E / 46.83667°N 29.50889°E