Palmer Theological Seminary

Palmer Theological Seminary
Established 1925
Type Seminary
Parent institution
Eastern University
Affiliation American Baptist Churches USA
Location King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United States
40°05′39″N 75°24′51″W / 40.09415°N 75.41426°WCoordinates: 40°05′39″N 75°24′51″W / 40.09415°N 75.41426°W

Founded in 1925 as Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Palmer Theological Seminary is a multidenominational seminary affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA. United Methodists, Presbyterians, Mennonites, African Methodist Episcopalians, and other Protestant church denominations are represented both on the Palmer faculty and in its student body. Originally located on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, it moved in 1940 to Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, just across the street from the city boundary. In 2012, the school sold this location and moved temporarily to the American Baptist Churches offices located at 588 N. Gulph Road, King of Prussia, PA. . Over the years, the seminary has been best known for combining evangelical theology with the affirmation of women in ministry and commitment to social justice and ethnic diversity. From the beginning, the Seminary welcomed female students. The Seminary's values are captured by its founding motto, "The Whole Gospel for the Whole World."

At its inception, the seminary established a collegiate division in order to serve those who lacked the academic preparation for seminary-level courses. This evolved into Eastern Baptist College, founded in 1952. What was once Eastern Baptist College is now Eastern University. In 2004, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary re-merged with Eastern University. The following year, the seminary changed its name to Palmer Theological Seminary in honor of its longest serving president (1936–48), Gordon Palmer.

Academic programs

Masters Programs -- The Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree is the standard post-graduate degree required by many Christian church denominations prior to pastoral ordination. The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree prepares students for further academic training (primarily the Ph.D.) and for non-pastoral vocations in areas such as public policy advocacy, Christian publishing, and social work. At Palmer, students may choose to pursue an MTS in General Studies or in one of the following areas of concentration: Biblical Studies, Contemporary Theology, Christian Faith and Public Policy, Christian Mission, Christian Heritage (History), and Christian Counseling.

Doctor of Ministry -- In 2009 the Seminary launched a Doctor of Ministry degree program focusing on leadership and church renewal.

Eastern School of Christian Ministry -- Palmer offers several diploma and certificate programs designed primarily to provide quality theological education for those who do not have an undergraduate college degree.

Named Scholarship Program

In 2007, the Seminary began offering three scholarships covering half the cost of tuition at Palmer. As many as 10 openings are available each year for each of the three. The Brauch Scholarship is named for former Seminary president Manfred Brauch and his spouse, Marjean. The Sider Scholarship is named for professor Ron Sider, and the Wallis Scholarship honors Jim Wallis, the founder of the Washington, D.C.-based Sojourners community.

Original Campus and community

The former main building on the Palmer campus, located at 6 E Lancaster Ave in Wynnewood, PA was once a resort hotel. The first floor of the building was renovated to accommodate staff offices and classrooms. The three upper floors serve as apartments or dorms for students and for some members of the Seminary's faculty and staff. Palmer's Laws Memorial Chapel building was constructed in the early 1950s with money donated by the late Marguerite Treat Doane. In addition to a sanctuary, the chapel features classrooms and faculty offices.

While the majority of students commuted to and from the Palmer campus in Wynnewood, some students resided on the campus.

In 2008, the countries represented by students living on campus included Canada, South Korea, India, South Africa, Australia, and China.

In 2012 this campus was sold and all offices were moved to the ABC-USA headquarters in nearby King of Prussia. Palmer intends to move onto land acquired from Valley Forge Military Academy by neighboring Eastern University, its parent institution once new building projects are completed.

Musical discoveries at the seminary

In July 2005 an 80-page Beethoven manuscript of a piano four hands version of the Grosse Fugue was discovered in the library archives by one of the librarians.[1][2] The manuscript was authenticated by Dr. Jeffrey Kallberg at the University of Pennsylvania and by Dr. Stephen Roe, head of Sotheby's Manuscript Department. Lost from view for well over 100 years, it is thought by some to be one of the most important musicological finds in recent years. The event strangely paralleled the earlier find on July 31, 1990 of a Mozart manuscript, which had been donated to the seminary in 1951 by Marguerite Treat Doane. It was rediscovered along with some lesser manuscripts of the same period. The Beethoven manuscript was auctioned by Sotheby's in London on December 1, 2005 for US$1.72 million to an anonymous bidder later revealed to be Bruce Kovner.

Notable faculty and alumni


External links