Palatine Pts 2/2

Palatine Pts 2/2
DRG Class 99.01
Number(s): XXX
DRG 99 011
Quantity: 1
Manufacturer: Maffei
Year(s) of manufacture: 1916
Retired: 1931
Wheel arrangement: 0-4-0T
Axle arrangement: B h2t
Type: K 22.7
Gauge: 1,000 mm
Length over buffers: 6,003 mm
Service weight: 15.8 t
Adhesive weight: 15.8 t
Top speed: 30 km/h
Driving wheel diameter: 800 mm
Valve gear: Walschaerts (Heusinger)
No. of cylinders: 2
Cylinder bore: 290 mm
Piston stroke: 400 mm
Boiler Overpressure: 12 bar
Grate area: 0.53 m²
Superheater area: 6.00 m²
Evaporative heating area: 22.55 m²
Water capacity: 1.7 m³
Fuel: 0.6 t coal
Locomotive brakes: Counterweight brake

The German steam locomotive of Palatine Class Pts 2/2 of the Palatinate Railway was a one-off and was built by the firm of Maffei in Munich. Notable features were the high boiler and the locomotive frame used as a water tank. Coal was carried in two bunkers on the left and right of the driver's cab.

After the formation of the Deutsche Reichsbahn the engine was taken over and given the number '99 011'. It was retired by 1931.

See also

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