Packaging World

Packaging World
Categories Business magazine
Format Paper and online magazine
Circulation 65,399
Publisher Joseph L. Angel
Year founded 1994
Company Summit Media Group, Inc.
Based in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Language English

Launched in 1994 by Summit Media Group, Inc., Packaging World is a monthly publication which covers the latest developments in packaging. Packaging World reports on packaging machinery and materials and technologies and applications. Monthly coverage includes case histories, news, products, and articles on environmental, regulatory and global packaging issues. Special features on controls and line integration strategies, sustainable packaging, marketing and design, packaging-related Web sites, exclusive packaging surveys and trade shows appear regularly.

The first issue of Packaging World was published in January 1994.

President/Publisher Joseph L. Angel has over 22 years experience in the packaging press and serves on the board of the Clemson University Department of Packaging Science. He is a member of the Institute of Packaging Professionals, the Business Marketing Association, the American Business Media, and the Chicago Area Publisher's Group.

As of December 2012, the[1] circulation of Packaging World was 65,399 subscribers.

Related titles from Summit Media Group, Inc. include Shelf Impact!, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging.Packaging World is the sister publication to Automation World.


  1. BPA World Wide

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