Pablo de Coronel

Pablo de Coronel or Paul Nuñez Coronel (Segovia c1480 - Salamanca, 30 September 1534) was a Spanish Hebraist, and professor of Hebrew at the University of Salamanca. He trained to be a rabbi, but converted to Christianity prior to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.[1] Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros commissioned him, together with Alfonso de Alcalá, of Alcalá la Real, to provide a new translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin for the Complutensian Polyglot (1514–17). He worked alongside another converso Hebraist, Alfonso de Zamora.[2] He was one of three scholars to take over Zamora's chair in Hebrew at the University of Salamanca.[3]

He also wrote a commentary on the work of Nicolas de Lyre (c 1330), "Additiones ad Librum Nicolai Lirani de Differentiis Translationum (Verborum)," which survives only in manuscript.


  1. Richard Gottheil Meyer Kayserling Jewish Encyclopedia article CORONEL, PAUL NUÑEZ 1911
  2. Angel María Amor Ruibal Los problemas fundamentales de la filología comparada 2005 Page 362 "La Poliglota de Alcalá (Complutense) en la cual tomaron parte Elias Antonio, Ducas Cretense, el Pinciano, Stunica, y los judíos conversos Zamora, Coronel y Juan de Vergara,"
  3. Glosas rabínicas y sagrada escritura: tratado de Pedro de Palencia - Page 56 Elvira Pérez Ferreiro, 2004 "En los años 30, el licenciado Fidelfo, Pablo de Coronel y el licenciado Sánchez ocuparon la cátedra de hebreo. En la siguiente década, Diego Sánchez de la Fuente, Alonso Gutiérrez, Pedro de Salazar y Martín Martínez de Cantalapiedra"