PLS (file format)

Filename extension .pls
Internet media type audio/x-scpls
Type of format Playlist

PLS is a computer file format that stores multimedia playlists, originally used by SHOUTcast and Icecast for streaming media over the Internet. PLS is a more expressive playlist format than basic M3U, as it can store (cache) information on the song title and length (this is supported in extended M3U only). With PLS version 2, playlists also include a PLS version declaration.

File format

The format is essentially that of an INI file structured as follows:


Track Entry
Assuming track entry #X



Example of a radio station streaming audio PLS file, complete

Title1= Here enter name of the station


iTunes, VLC media player, Totem, RealPlayer, Winamp, Yahoo! Music Jukebox, MediaMonkey, Windows Media Player, AIMP, XBMC, XMPlay, Rhythmbox, foobar2000, and more than 30 others are able to interpret (open) PLS files.[1] Media Player Classic with the K-Lite codec installed does work with PLS format but still requires the appropriate MIME or file extension associations.

See also

Other playlist file formats


  1. (computer diagnostics) in May, 2013, ...lists more than 40 programs that open PLS and their "prevalence."

External links