Original author(s) Bin Ma
Developer(s) Bioinformatics Solutions Inc
Stable release PEAKS 7 / Nov 22, 2013
Operating system Windows
Type Mass Spec Protein Identification, De Novo Sequencing, Database Search & Quantification

PEAKS is a proteomics software program for tandem mass spectrometry designed for peptide sequencing, protein identification and quantification.


PEAKS is commonly used for peptide identification (Protein ID) through de novo peptide sequencing assisted search engine database searching.[1] PEAKS has also integrated PTM and mutation characterization through automatic peptide sequence tag based searching (SPIDER)[2] and PTM Identification.[3]

PEAKS provides a complete sequence for each peptide, confidence scores on individual amino acid assignments, simple reporting for high-throughput analysis, amongst other information.

The software has the ability to compare results of multiple search engines. PEAKS inChorus will cross check test results automatically with other protein ID search engines, like Sequest, OMSSA, X!Tandem and Mascot. This approach guards against false positive peptide assignments.

PEAKS Q is a plugin quantification tool, supporting label (ICAT, iTRAQ, SILAC, TMT, O18, etc) and label free techniques. Performance evaluation of existing de novo sequencing algorithms. ABRF 2013 iPRG Study results.


  1. J. Zhang, L. Xin, B. Shan, W. Chen, M. Xie, D. Yuen, W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, G. Lajoie, and B. Ma. PEAKS DB: De Novo Sequencing Assisted Database Search for Sensitive and Accurate Peptide Identification. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 10.1074/mcp.M111.010587 (2011).
  2. Ma B, Johnson. De Novo sequencing and homology searching Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 10.1074/mcp.O111.014902 (2011).
  3. X. Han, L. He, L. Xin, B. Shan, B. Ma. PEAKS PTM: Mass Spectrometry Based Identification of Peptides with Unspecified Modifications. Journal of Proteomics Research 10(7): 2930-2936 (2011).