Outline of culture

The following outline is provided as an overview and content index to culture:

Culture set of patterns of human activity within a bed or social group and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Customs, laws, dress, architectural style, social standards, religious beliefs, and traditions are all examples of cultural elements.

Nature of culture

Main article: Culture

Elements of culture

Types of cultures

Cultures by aspect

Cultural cross-sections


Main article: Subculture

Types of cultures

Specific subcultures

Academic disciplines that study culture

Cultures of the world

Area studies

Main article: Area studies

Cultures by ethnicity or ethnic sphere

Cultures of continents and major geopolitical regions

(non-continents are italicized)

Cultures by political divisions of the World

(arranged by continent or major geopolitical region)

Cultures of Africa

Main article: Culture of Africa

Culture of Antarctica

Cultures of Asia

Main article: Culture of Asia

Cultures of the Caucasus

(a region considered to be in both Asia and Europe, or between them)

Cultures of Europe

Main article: Culture of Europe

Cultures of North America

Cultures of Oceania

Cultures of South America

Cultures of the South America

History of culture

Main articles: Cultural history and Cultural-history archaeology

Cultural histories

By period

By region

By subject

Historical cultures

Politics of culture

Sociology of culture

Research fields

See also


  1. Merriam-Webster "Gastronomy - Definition"
  2. "wine". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 25 June 2008.
  3. Britannica.com
  4. Some definitions of opera: "dramatic performance or composition of which music is an essential part, branch of art concerned with this" (Concise Oxford English Dictionary); "any dramatic work that can be sung (or at times declaimed or spoken) in a place for performance, set to original music for singers (usually in costume) and instrumentalists" (Amanda Holden, Viking Opera Guide); "musical work for the stage with singing characters, originated in early years of 17th century" (Pears Cyclopaedia, 1983 ed.).
  5. Marg Gilks, Paula Fleming, and Moira Allen (2003). "Science Fiction: The Literature of Ideas". WritingWorld.com.
  6. "UNWTO technical manual: Collection of Tourism Expenditure Statistics". World Tourism Organization. 1995. p. 10. Retrieved 26 March 2009.
  7. Manila Declaration on World Tourism. World Tourism Conference. Manila, Philippines. 10 October 1980. pp. 1–4.
  8. Pinch, T. and Bijsterveld, K, 2004, Sound Studies: new Technologies and Music, in "Social Studies of Science", 34\5, pp. 635-648

http://jmi.sagepub.com/content/21/2/141 DOI: 10.1177/1056492611415279 Anne E. Witte Making the Case for a Post-national Cultural Analysis of Organizations, Journal of Management Inquiry 2012 21: 141 originally published online 13 September 2011

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