Ottoman fleet organisation during the Greco-Turkish War (1897)
This list includes fleet organisations of the Ottoman Navy during the Greco-Turkish War (1897).
Fleet organisation in March 1897
In March 1997, the Ottoman Navy was structured as follows:[1]
Fleet Commander: Müşir Amiral Hasan Rami Pasha
- 1st Division (Ferik Hayri)
- Mesudiye, Hamidiye, Aziziye, Orhaniye, Ejder, Berk Efşan, Seham, Pervin, Gilyum, Tarık, Tir-i Zafer, Eser-i Terakki
- İzmir (transport), Mekke (transport)
- 2nd Division (Ferik Mehmet Reşid)
- Osmaniye, Necm-i Şevket, Hıfz-ül Rahman, Peleng-i Derya, Vesile-i Nusret, Fatih, Şahab, Mecidiye, Burhaneddin
- Marmara (transport), Hüdeyde (transport)