Organization for Human Brain Mapping
The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) is the primary international organization dedicated to using neuroimaging to discover the organization of the human brain. The organization was created in 1995 and has since evolved in response to the explosion in the field of human functional neuroimaging and its movement into the scientific mainstream. One of the primary functions of the organization is to provide an educational forum for the exchange of up-to-the-minute and groundbreaking research across modalities exploring Human Brain Mapping. It does this through a growing membership and an annual conference, held in different locations throughout the world.
Since the human brain mapping field is cross-disciplinary, the members range from neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists to physicists, engineers, and statisticians.
The 2015 Annual Meeting will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 14-18, 2015.
Past OHBM Annual Meeting Locations:
- 2014 Hamburg, Germany
- 2013 Seattle, WA, USA
- 2012 Beijing, China
- 2011 Quebec City, Canada
- 2010 Barcelona, Spain
- 2009 San Francisco, CA
- 2008 Melbourne, Australia
- 2007 Chicago, IL, USA
- 2006 Florence, Italy
- 2005 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 2004 Budapest, Hungary
- 2003 New York, NY, USA
- 2002 Sendai, Japan
- 2001 Brighton, England
- 2000 San Antonio, TX, USA
- 1999 Düsseldorf, Germany
- 1998 Montreal, Canada
- 1997 Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1996 Boston, MA, USA
- 1995 Paris, France
External links
- Homepage of the organization