Organización Revolucionaria de los Trabajadores

ORT sticker from 1977
ORT sticker

The Workers' Revolutionary Organisation (in Spanish: Organización Revolucionaria de los Trabajadores) was a Maoist communist organisation in Spain. ORT was founded in 1969, emerging out of the left-wing Catholic Workers' Trade Union Action (Acción Sindical de Trabajadores).

The youth wing of ORT was the Maoist Youth Union (Unión de Juventudes Maoístas) and the trade union wing was the Unitary Trade Union (Sindicato Unitario). ORT published En Lucha.

In the 1977 elections, ORT launched the Workers' Electoral Grouping (Agrupación Electoral de los Trabajadores). In 1979, ORT merged with the Party of Labour of Spain and formed the Workers' Party (PT).