Ore algebra

In computer algebra, an Ore algebra is a special kind of iterated Ore extension that can be used to represent linear functional operators, including linear differential and/or recurrence operators.[1] The concept is named after Øystein Ore.


Let K be a (commutative) field and A = K[x_1, \ldots, x_s] be a commutative polynomial ring (with A = K when s = 0). The iterated skew polynomial ring A[\partial_1; \sigma_1, \delta_1] \cdots [\partial_r; \sigma_r, \delta_r] is called an Ore algebra when the \sigma_i and \delta_j commute for i \neq j, and satisfy \sigma_i(\partial_j) = \partial_j, \delta_i(\partial_j) = 0 for i > j.


Ore algebras satisfy the Ore condition, and thus can be embedded in a (skew) field of fractions.

The constraint of commutation in the definition makes Ore algebras have a non-commutative generalization theory of Gröbner basis for their left ideals.


  1. Chyzak, Frédéric; Salvy, Bruno (1998). "Non-commutative Elimination in Ore Algebras Proves Multivariate Identities". Journal of Symbolic Computation (Elsevier) 26 (2): 187–227. doi:10.1006/jsco.1998.0207.