Orders, decorations, and medals of Tonga

Royal Orders

The Royal Order of Pouono (Ko e Fakalangilangi 'o Pouono)

  Established about 1893, in a single class (K.G.C.P.)

The Royal Order of King George Tupou I (Ko e Fakalangilangi 'o Kingi Sia'osi Tupou I) - Dormant order

  Established between 1875 & 1890 in 3 classes Knight Grand Cross (K.G.C.G.T.), Knight Commander (K.C.G.T.), Commander (C.G.T.)

The Most Illustrious Order of Queen Salote Tupou III (Ko e Fakalangilangi 'o Ma'olunga 'o Kuini Salote Tupou III)

  Established 28 June 2008, in 4 classes : Knight Grand Cross (K.G.Q.S.), Grand Cross (G.C.Q.S.), Commander (C.Q.S.), Member (M.Q.S.)

The Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga (Ko e Fakalangilangi 'o Kalauni 'o Tonga)

  Established 6 April 1913, re-organised 31 July 2008 in 4 classes (K.G.C.C.T., G.C.C.T., C.C.T., M.C.T.)

The Royal Military Order of St. George (Ko e Fakalangilangi Fakakaukau 'o Sa Sia'osi)

  Established 2009 in 5 classes (G.C.St.G., G.O.St.G., C.St.G., O.St.G., M.St.G.) & 3 Associated Medals

The Royal Order of the Phoenix (Ko e Fakalangilangi 'o e Finiki)

  Established 2010 in a single class : Grand Cross (G.C.O.P.)

The King George Tupou V Royal Family Order (Ko e Fakalangilangi Fale 'Alo 'o Kingi Sia'osi Tupou V)

  Established 2008 in a single class (R.F.O., for Royal Ladies)

The Most Devoted Royal Household Order of Tonga (Ko e Fakalangilangi Fale 'Alo)

  Established 2009 in 6 classes (G.C.R.H., G.O.R.H., C.R.H., O.R.H., M.R.H., R.H.M.) & 3 Associated Medals)

Precedence Order

The Precedence Order of the orders, decorations, and medals of Tonga is:[1]

Classes Post-nominal letters
Knight Grand Cross
Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Pouono K.G.C.P.
Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of King George Tupou I K.G.C.G.T.
Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Queen Salote Tupou III K.G.C.Q.S.
Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga K.G.C.C.T.
Grand Crosses
Grand Cross of the Order of Queen Salote Tupou III G.C.Q.S.
Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga G.C.C.T.
Grand Cross of the Royal Military Order of St. George G.C.St.G.
Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Phoenix G.C.O.P.
King George Tupou V Royal Family Order R.F.O.
Grand Cross of the Royal Household Order of Tonga G.C.R.H.
Knight Commanders / Grand Officers
Knight Commander of the Royal Order of King George Tupou I K.C.G.T.
Grand Officer of the Royal Military Order of St. George G.O.St.G.
Grand Officer of the Royal Household Order of Tonga G.O.R.H.
Companion / Commanders
Companion of the Royal Order of King George Tupou I C.G.T.
Commander of the Order of Queen Salote Tupou III C.Q.S.
Commander of the Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga C.C.T.
Commander of the Royal Military Order of St. George C.St.G.
Commander of the Royal Household Order of Tonga C.R.H.
Officer of the Royal Military Order of St. George O.St.G.
Officer of the Royal Household Order of Tonga O.R.H.
Member of the Order of Queen Salote Tupou III M.Q.S.
Member of the Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga M.C.T.
Member of the Royal Military Order of St. George M.St.G.
Member of the Royal Household Order of Tonga M.R.H.
Tonga Cross of Merit T.C.M.
Military Medal of St George M.M.St.G.
Royal Tongan Medal of Merit T.M.M.
Meritorious Service Medal M.H.S.
Tonga Defense Service Campaign Medal S.C.M.
Tonga General Service Medal G.S.
Royal Household Order of Tonga Medal R.H.M.


  1. "Gentleman's Military Interest Club" Forum - Tonga Orders