Order picking

Man to goods picking assisted by conveyor belt.

The order picking or order preparation operation is one of a logistic warehouse's process.[1] It consists in taking and collecting articles in a specified quantity before shipment to satisfy customers' orders. It is a basic warehousing process and has an important influence on supply chain's productivity. This makes order picking one of the most controlled logistic processes.

It is one of the warehouse management system functionalities.


We can identify the following main types of order picking:


There are various ways in which a pick may be communicated to a picker:

Some of these technologies can also be used to make sure the picker picked from the proper location using barcode or RFID terminal or voice picking.

See also


  1. Piasecki, Dave. "Order Picking: Methods and Equipment for Piece Pick, Case Pick, and Pallet Pick Operations". InventoryOps.com. Retrieved 8 December 2012.

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