Order of Corporate Reunion

The Order of Corporate Reunion is an ecumenical association of clergy and laity of Anglican origin, founded by Frederick George Lee, Thomas Mossman and Joseph Seccombe in London in 1874. It is an Anglo-Papalist society, founded to continue the work of the APUC and to restore an apostolic succession recognised by the Roman Catholic Church, through reordinations, as a means for reunion.[1] The Order affirms and supports what is Catholic in Anglicanism and in other Christian churches. It encourages work and prayer for Christian Unity especially the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrated January 18 to 25.

The Order of Corporate Reunion regards valid apostolic succession as an essential aspect of the church Catholic. It preserves and protects its own apostolic succession.

Peter Paul Brennan became primate of the order, succeeding Bertil Persson, who became primate emeritus.


  1. Henry R.T. Brandreth; "Dr Lee of Lambeth: A Chapter in Parenthesis in the History of the Oxford Movement", London, 1951.

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