Operation West End

Operation West End was the first sting operation done by Tehelka in 2001, the Indian news magazine known for its investigative journalism. It was done in order to make the murky defense deals public. The special correspondents of the magazine filmed several corrupt defense officials and politicians of ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government including Bhartiya Janta Party then President Late Bangaru Laxman. The operation took seven and a half months to complete, which later shook the country and adversely damaged the image of India in the International arena. The nightmarish fact is that a fictitious arms company successfully bought 34 individuals in high places including key politicians of ruling government.[1] It is a known fact that corruption is rampant among politicians but the operation in 2001 blew the lid over sorry state of the nation, which was ruled by Bhartiya Janta Party and its allies, resulting in loss of faith by Indian people.[1]

The operation

The magazine created a fictitious London based arms manufacturing company known as West End International. The strategy adopted by the investigative journalists was to get in touch with a person in the lowest end of the defence chain and then move upwards. Therefore, the operation started[2] with the Senior Section Officer P. Sashi who was posted in the Ministry of Defense. His desire to make money from arms dealers provided the starting point for journalists from Tehelka. After getting some monetary incentive, P. Sashi took the team to Brigadier Anil Sehgal’s house in New Delhi. Sehgal was then the Deputy Director in Directorate General of Ordnance and Supply (DGOS), an important army procurement post. Both these officials helped the team with two vital things; information about a defense product required by the Indian army and how to move ahead in order to sell their products.

Brigadier Sehgal demanded to be entertained in a five-star hotel to which the team agreed. The former brought in Lt. Colonel Sharma, who was an army officer posted in Air Force procurement section. After the meeting, Brigadier Sehgal demanded Rs. 200,000 to give documents related to the procurement of hand-held thermal cameras and other equipment that the company might be interested in supplying to the Indian Army. After accepting the money he also advised on how to proceed in the matter of bidding for the hand-held thermal cameras. During the conversation, Brigadier Sehgal said that the money company will have to pay to everyone and some percentage will also reach to the Defense Minister George Fernandes. P. Sashi also provided confidential documents related to procurement of ammunition, tubes, clothing and even helicopters.

On November 26, 2000, the team was introduced to Deepak Gupta, the son of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) trustee R. K. Gupta. Deepak Gupta assured that he will help the company bag the project and talked about his influence in the government. In the subsequent meetings he elaborated on his functioning and said that he worked from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).[3]

The team then met R. K. Gupta, the RSS trustee and a big defence middleman. He was quite vocal about his relationship with the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani and said that both of them were tenants at his properties. He had also helped establish the RSS headquarters in 1967 in Jhandewala, Delhi. He assured the team that he will get their work done and will pay the bribe on their behalf to Defence Secretary, Joint Secretary, Under Secretary, the then treasurer of the party Ved Prakash Goyal, BJP’s national president Bangaru Laxman. He did not wanted to involve Brajesh Mishra as his price was rupees one crore.[4]

On December 23, 2000,[5] journalists posing as representatives of the arms manufacturing company held their first meeting with the then BJP chief Bangaru Laxma. They then met him several times over the period of one week and promised to compensate him for his recommendation to the Defence Ministry of Supply regarding hand-held thermal imagers. On January 1, 2001, Laxman accepted One lakh rupees at BJP’s office for pursuing their proposal.[6] On January 7, 2001, the final meeting held between the fake representatives and Laxman.

Bribes paid

The bribes paid during the operation:[7]


On March 13, 2001,[5] Tehelka released video CDs of the sting operation that led to political storm in India. Subsequently, Bangaru Laxman had to resign from the position of BJP president. It emerged that the defence deals were not driven by considerations of national security, but by the greed of political and bureaucratic people.[1] The defence minister George Fernandes and his party president Jaya Jaitly resigned. Mamta Banerjee, an important ally of the coalition quit the government.[8]

The government booked Tehelka under many sections and used Inland Revenue, Enforcement Directorate and Intelligence Bureau but could not find anything. Investors of the website were also investigated and Tehelk’s financer Shanker Sharma was imprisoned without any charge. The journalists who carried out the investigation were also imprisoned.[9]

Judgement by court

On April 27, 2012, a special CBI court convicted the former BJP President, Bangaru Laxman of corruption charges.[10] On April 28, 2012, the court sentenced him to four year of rigorous imprisonment and also imposed a fine of one lakh rupees.[11] In its order, the court said,[11]The sab chalta hai [everything goes] syndrome has led to the present situation where nothing moves without an illegal consideration. Corruption is more dangerous than prostitution as latter might endanger the morals of an individual, whereas the former invariably endangers the entire society. It is virulent for the nation and makes people full of ire. However, the problem is that when a society publicly rues corruption, but privately indulges in it, we need to ask ourselves, do we really want a corruption-free society? The convict agreed to compromise with the lives of lakhs of soldiers who, without fearing for their lives, fight for the nation. He agreed to extend his influence for getting a supply order in their favour with respect to defence-related equipment for his personal gains, without giving a thought that the equipment of this company may or may not be of sub-standard quality. No doubt, the company, Westend International, and the product, HHTIs [Hand-held Thermal Imagers], which they were promoting were both fictitious, but this fact was only known to the representatives of the company, who had approached the convict for favour. Convict Bangaru Laxman had agreed to exert his personal influence in favour of the fictitious company for his personal gains by way of getting ‘illegal gratification' with the intention and belief that the product for which a supply order is required is genuine. Considering the gravity and the impact which his influence would have had on the lives of the soldiers of the Indian Army, had the design of convict materialised, I am of the opinion that there are no mitigating circumstances, and he does not deserve the leniency sought for him…He, being president of a political party, was supposed to have shown exemplary character to lead by example. But that was not to be. Therefore, the result of the path chosen by him should be such. Parliament must have had good reasons to enhance the punishment [in the Prevention of Corruption Act] to a minimum imprisonment of six months and a maximum… [of] five years, with liability to pay fine as well. Obviously, cognisance has been taken of a widespread prevalence of [the] practice of exertion of personal influence on public servants by people acting to favour third party, from whom they have obtained ‘illegal gratification'…People are forced to pay for getting even the ‘right things done at right time.' It is high time to shun this attitude.


The investigation into the sting operation took a dramatic turn when it was revealed that prostitutes were supplied to three defence officials.[12] Both Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and Samata Party condemned it and raised the questions on ethical side of investigative journalism. However, Aniruddh Bahal, the journalist who was a part of the operation said, “When the demand came from armymen (to have prostitutes) we were foxed. We resisted it. We were baffled. But the demand was so forceful we could not proceed further without catering to their demand.” They decided to provide prostitutes to show that officials were ready to go to any level.[12]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Operation West End, March 20, 2001, The Hindu.
  2. Tehelka's Operation West End, March 24, 2001, Outlook.
  3. Tehelka's Operation West End, March 24, 2001, Outlook.
  4. Page 5, Tehelka's Operation West End, March 24, 2001, Outlook.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Tehelka sting: How Bangaru Laxman fell for the trap, April 27, 2012, India Today.
  6. Operation West End: The Bangaru Laxman Tape, April 27, 2012, YouTube.
  7. Bribes Paid During Operation West End, March 24, 2001, Outlook.
  8. The Sting That Has India Writhing, March 16, 2001, The New York Times.
  9. Website pays price for Indian bribery expose, January 6, 2003, The Guardian.
  10. Bangaru Laxman convicted of taking bribe, April 28, 2012, The Hindu.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Bangaru Laxman sentenced to 4-year rigorous imprisonment, April 28, 2012, The Hindu.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Tehelka expose: Armymen bribed with prostitutes, August 22, 2001, Rediff.