Operation Rubicon

Operation Rubicon is a Scottish police investigation into allegations of phone hacking, breach of data protection and perjury.[1]

The operation was initiated by a complaint from Tommy Sheridan's family solicitor, Aamer Anwar, including allegations of perjury, phone hacking and breach of data protection.[2]

The operation is a major investigation, led by Detective Superintendent John McSporran.[1] The Herald has reported that 50 officers are assigned to the case[3]

The investigation detained Andy Coulson on 30 May 2012[4] and charged him with perjury.[5]


Wikinews has related news: Scottish politician going to jail after perjury conviction

On 16 December 2007, Sheridan was charged with perjury following a defamation case against the News of the World. On 23 December 2010, a jury found him guilty of perjury and on 26 January 2011 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

See also


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