Operation Pelikan

Operation Pelikan
Part of the American Theater of World War II

A schematic of the Panama Canal, illustrating the sequence of locks and passages.
Location Panama Canal, Panama
Planned by  Nazi Germany
Objective Sabotage of the Panama Canal
Date 1943
Outcome Aborted

Operation Pelikan[1] (German: Unternehmen Pelikan), also known as Projekt 14, was a German plan for crippling the Panama Canal during World War II. In the fall of 1943 the Wehrmacht had completed preparations to haul two Ju-87 Stukas with folding wings on two U-boats to an unnamed Colombian island near the coast of Panama, reassemble the planes, arm them with "special bombs", and then send them to attack the Gatun Dam. After completing the mission, the pilots would fly to a neutral country and seek internment. However, Germany called off the plan, for unknown reasons, at the last minute.

Most of these types of plans involved acts of sabotage using agents in place and/or landed by U-boat.

See also


  1. Grayson, William C. (2005). Delaware's Ghost Towers: The Coast Artillery's Forgotten Last Stand During the Darkest Days of World War II. AuthorHouse. ISBN 1420847147.