Operation Lifeline Sudan

A political map of Sudan

Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) was a consortium of UN agencies (mainly UNICEF and the World Food Programme)[1] and approximately 35 Non-governmental organizations operating in southern Sudan to provide humanitarian assistance throughout war-torn and drought-afflicted regions in the South. Operation Lifeline Sudan was established in April 1989 in response to a devastating famine and the effects of the Second Sudanese Civil War, as a result of negotiations between the UN, the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) to deliver humanitarian assistance to all civilians in need, regardless of their location or political affiliation.[1] This includes over 100,000 returnees from Itang in 1991.[2]

Lokichogio was the primary forward operations hub for OLS.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Operation Lifeline Sudan at the United Nations Website retrieved February 28, 2008
  2. Clapham (ed.) p. 63.
