Ontario Association of Law Enforcement Planners

The Ontario Association of Law Enforcement Planners (O.A.L.E.P.) is an organization based in Ontario, Canada and comprises members from Police agencies across the province.

It is not clear when the Ontario Police Forces Planning Association (OPFPA) first formed but it is a generally accepted truth among many who remember that it was sometime in 1982. The name has since changed to the Ontario Association of Law Enforcement Planners (OALEP) but the reason for the organization’s existence and its value to member agencies and their representatives remains: to address a need for police organizations to share information and best practices. OALEP is committed to excellence in law enforcement planning, research, and evaluation by providing a forum to enhance professionalism, training, and networking.

Originally, the OPFPA convened three times per tear (February, May, and October) for two days of meetings, networking, and sessions focusing on the planning and research functions carried out in the policing profession. These thrice-annual gatherings were always held at the Ontario Police College outside Aylmer, Ontario, a very cost effective venue that everyone was familiar with. Today, Association meetings and symposiums are held twice annually (Spring and Fall), with locations varying around the province to make attendance by all as convenient as possible. These symposiums represent the “crown jewel” of all activities and services of this respected professional association.

Similar to the format today, attendance from member agencies during the OPFPA era included a broad range of employees, both sworn and civilian, such as research analysts, professional planners, and all ranks up to and including Chiefs of Police. The organization has had an ongoing and uninterrupted existence since day one. Persons from many member agencies were also members of a larger, international group called the National Association of Police Planners (NAPP), known today as the International Association of Law Enforcement Planners (IALEP). This international connection has grown and now OALEP is an official chapter of IALEP.

OALEP operates a private website that allows planning professionals to exchange information, ideas, and ongoing research. The 2010 OALEP membership includes 46 different member agencies from across Ontario with an operating budget at the end of 2010 expected to be just over $15,000. The organization is also currently in the process of updating its By-Laws and draft Strategic Business Plan. There are no paid employees of OALEP, with all executive board positions filled by OALEP members who are nominated, voted-in, and volunteer their time with the endorsement of their respective agencies.

External links

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police

International Association of Law Enforcement Planners