Onias I

Onias I (Hebrew: Honiyya or Honio ben Jaddua) was the son of the Jaddua mentioned in Nehemiah.[1] According to Josephus, this Jaddua is said to have been a contemporary of Alexander the Great.[2] I Maccabees regards Onias as a contemporary of the Spartan king Areus I (309-265 BCE).[3] The Simon the Just extolled in the Wisdom of Sirach[4] (according to the Hebrew text the son of Jonathan, but according to the Greek text the son of Onias) and in legend was probably the son of Onias I or, according to some, of the latter's grandson Onias II.


  1. Nehemiah xii. 11
  2. Jewish Antiquities xi. 8, § 7
  3. I Macc. xii. 7, 8, 20
  4. Sirach Chapter 50


  • H. P. Chajes, Beiträge zur Nordsemitischen Onomatologie, p. 23, Vienna, 1900 (on the name);
  • Herzfeld, Gesch. des Volkes Jisrael, i. 185-189, 201-206;
  • Heinrich Grätz, Gesch. 2d ed., ii. 236;
  • Emil Schürer, Gesch. 3d ed., i. 182, 194-196; iii. 97-100;
  • Niese, in Hermes, xxxv. 509;
  • Wellhausen, I. J. G. 4th ed., p. 248, Berlin, 1901;
  • Willrich, Juden und Griechen vor der Makkabäischen Erhebung, pp. 77, 109, Göttingen, 1895;
  • Adolf Büchler, Die Tobiaden und die Oniaden, pp. 166, 240, 275, 353, Vienna, 1899;
  • J. P. Mahaffy, The Empire of the Ptolemies, pp. 217, 353, London, 1895;
  • Gelzer, Sextus Julius Africanus, ii. 170-176, Leipsic, 1885;
  • Isaac Hirsch Weiss, Dor, i. 130 (on the halakic view of the temple of Onias).