One Thousand Roads to Mecca

One Thousand Roads to Mecca by Michael Wolfe

One Thousand Roads to Mecca: Ten Centuries of Travelers Writing About the Muslim Pilgrimage is a collection of travel journals edited by Michael Wolfe and published in 1999. Covering over 20 accounts made over 10 centuries, this work shows many sides of the Hajj, the Pilgrimage to Mecca required of every able Muslim.

Included are accounts of Naser-e Khosraw, Ibn Jubayr, Ibn Battuta and ultimately the pilgrimage of Michael Wolfe himself.


Naser-e Khosraw, Persia, 1050

Ibn Jubayr, Spain, 1183-84

Ibn Battuta, Morocco, 1326

Ludovico di Varthema, Bologna, 1503

A Pilgrim with No Name, Italy, 1575

Joseph Pitts, England, 1685

Ali Bey al-Abbasi, Spain, 1807

John Lewis Burckhardt, Switzerland, 1814

Sir Richard Burton, Great Britain, 1953

Her Highness Sikandar, the Begum of Bhopal, India, 1864

John F. Keane, Anglo-India, 1877-78

Mohammad Hosayn Farahani, Persia, 1885-86

Arthur J. B. Wavell, Anglo-Africa, 1908

Eldon Rutter, Great Britain, 1925

Winifred Stegar, Australia, 1927

Muhammad Asad, Galicia, 1927

Harry St. John Philby, Great Britain, 1931

Lady Evelyn Cobbold, Great Britain, 1933

Hamza Bogary, Mecca, 1947

Jalal Al-e Ahmad, Iran, 1964

Malcolm X, United States, 1964

Saida Miller Khalifa, Great Britain, 1970

Michael Wolfe, United States, 1990
