Omar Barboza

Omar Enrique Barboza Gutiérrez is the president[1] of the Venezuelan political party Un Nuevo Tiempo (A New Era) in opposition to Nicolás Maduro, the current President of Venezuela.

In February 2009 a constitutional amendment to remove term limits on public offices in Venezuela was approved 54% of voters in the Venezuelan constitutional referendum, 2009. Barboza said "We're democrats. We accept the results," to The Associated Press,[2] but claimed that the results were skewed by Hugo Chávez's broad use of state resources to win the vote, through state-run news media, political pressure on 2 million public employees and frequent presidential speeches (cadenas) which all television stations in Venezuela are required to air, and added that "Effectively this will become a dictatorship."


  1. (Spanish) Comando Angostura: El llamado es a votar el 15 de febrero (Spanish, visited February 21, 2009)
  2. The Associated Press - Chavez wins vote to scrap term limits in Venezuela (visited February 21, 2009)