Olov Svebilius

Olov Svebilius was Bishop of Linköping, 1678-1681 and Archbishop of Uppsala, Sweden, 1681-1700. He was born in Ljungby, close to Kalmar in Sweden, January 1, 1624 and died the 29 June 1700.

He studied at the University of Uppsala 1638, two years later he enrolled in the Königsberg University, and thereafter moved back to Uppsala to finish his studies.

Together with two Swedish members of the nobility he undertook a travel through Europe in 1651-1656. On returning he was ordained priest and later vicar. In 1663 he was appointed vicar in his home town Ljungby where he was very comfortable.

He was appointed court chaplain in 1668 and gave the King communion in 1670. He was also entrusted with commissioning the new Bible translation and revising the Swedish book of hymns.

He published many works. The most notable is perhaps A simple explanation of Martin Luther's little catechism, a book that was read throughout the country.

He was the Speaker of the Clergy in the Riksdag between 1682-1697. He is said to have been a person of great authority.

See also
