Oliver Vujović

Oliver Vujovic or Oliver Vujović, (born in October 1969), also in some sources written Oliver Vujović, is the Secretary General of the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), and a former journalist.


(References: South East and Central Europe Media Handbook, Media and Minorities book, Investigative Journalism handbook, Danas daily, Radio Tirana, BBC, Deutsche Welle, VOA, RFE, BETA news agency)

External links


1. Medien in Südosteuropa: Interview mit der SEEMO http://www.medienheft.ch/de/nc/14/date/0000/00/00/medien-in-suedosteuropa/article/8.html

2. BIRN http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/birn-summer-school/oliver-vujovic

3. Beate Ursula Joseph: Journalism Education in Countries With Limited Media Freedom page 243-244

5. Katerina Balabanova Media, Wars and Politics: Comparing the Incomparable in Western and Eastern Europe, Page 74