Okatch Biggy

Elly Mathayo Okatch, better known as Okatch Biggy (1954 - 1997) was a Kenyan benga musician.[1]

Early life

Okatch (Okatch Biggy), was born in 1954 in Ujimbe, Siaya County Nyanza Kenya. At the age of 21, Okatch tried getting into boxing as a career at the Railways Club in Kisumu. He was named "Biggy" as he was larger in appearance. In 1977, Biggy decided he wanted to start a career in music. He joined the jazz band Kiwiro as a drummer; he later left Kiwiro to team up with D.O. Misiani of the jazz band Shirati as a drummer. A new band, Super Heka Heka, was formed following the departure of Biggy from Kiwiro. This new band was resident at Gusii Night Club in Kisii. Upon moving to Kisumu, Biggy's music gathered something of a "cult" following among fans of the appealing modification of Benga. His personal approach and style of singing created a niche of fans that found his language quite literally at their level. Kisumu Junction Inn was the place to be for the weekend of music. The band's popularity later spread to every major town in Kenya.

At the time of his death in 16 November 1997, Biggy and his Super Heka Heka Band had recorded five albums.

caleb Drr
Oduor Leo
Rosemary Nyayala
Agono George
Otieno Doctor
Dave Ayoro
Hellena Nyabondo
Isaiah Ogwe
Nashon Adoche
Agutu Nyowila
Okatch Pod Angima
Okello Jossy
Otieno Ajey (nonstop)
