Okan Demiriş

Okan Demiriş (Istanbul, 9 February 1942 – 18 June 2010) was a Turkish composer.

His works include several operas:


  1. 71 Turkish composers: - Page 183 Evin İlyasoğlu - 2007 "Operas Dördüncü Murat/Murat IV, metin/libretto: Turan Oflazoğlu (üç perde/three acts), 1977-79 Karyağdı Hatun, metin/libretto: Nezihe Araz (üç perde/three acts), 1982-83 Yusuf ile Züleyha, metin/libretto: Nezihe Araz (üç ..."
  2. Talât Sait Halman, Jayne L. Warner - I, Anatolia and other plays Page 247 2008 "Araz wrote two librettos, both of which were composed as operas by Okan Demiris."