Octagonal trapezohedron

Octagonal trapezohedron
Coxeter diagram
Faces16 kites
Face configurationV8.3.3.3
Symmetry groupD8d, [2+,16], (2*8), order 32
Rotation groupD8, [2,8]+, (228), order 16
Dual polyhedronoctagonal antiprism
Propertiesconvex, face-transitive

The octagonal trapezohedron or deltohedron is the sixth in an infinite series of face-uniform (isohedral) polyhedra which are dual polyhedron to the antiprisms. It has sixteen faces which are congruent kites.

See also

Family of trapezohedra
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...

As spherical polyhedra

External links