Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis

The Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis (OPCHAC) is an Italian-based organization concerned with protecting cultural heritage.


The “Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis” was created in 1995 by Prof. Fabio Maniscalco. All activities of the OPCHAC are devoted to the safeguarding of cultural property of countries in crisis, independent of religion, race, or political ideology. OPCHAC does not receive public funds, so it is free to work and to denounce injustices, discriminations and/or violations to international rights. The address of OPCHAC is at the University L'Orientale (Scuola di Studi Islamici). Other offices are at Institute of Archaeology of Al-Quds University of Jerusalem and at the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Albania.


The main aims of the OPCHAC are:


The Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis has created a database of the situation of the cultural heritage in war areas. The database is available to scholars and students, and it includes:


Academic publications of the Observatory are the monographic series Mediterraneum. Tutela e valorizzazione dei beni culturale ed ambientali and the academic on journal Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony .

Moreover, the Observatory has financed the following books: