Nyaungyan Mintaya Ayedawbon

Nyaungyan Mintaya Ayedawbon

1967 publication of five rare Burmese chronicles (Dhanyawaddy, Razadarit, Hsinbyumyashin, Nyaungyan, Alaung Mintaya)
Author Maha Atula Dammikayaza or Letwe Nawrahta
Original title ညောင်ရမ်း မင်းတရား အရေးတော်ပုံ
Country Kingdom of Burma
Language Burmese
Series Burmese chronicles
Genre Chronicle, History
Publication date

Nyaungyan Mintaya Ayedawbon (Burmese: ညောင်ရမ်း မင်းတရား အရေးတော်ပုံ) is an 18th-century Burmese chronicle of King Nyaungyan (r. 1599–1605) of Toungoo Dynasty.[1]

The chronicle was written by an early Konbaung period writer, believed to be either Maha Atula Dammikayaza or Letwe Nawrahta. According to scholarship, it is a compilation of two earlier works: Minye Deibba Eigyin, a chronicle in verse written by Shin Than Kho in 1608, and Maha Yazawin the standard chronicle of Toungoo Dynasty, written in 1724.


  1. Thaw Kaung 2010: 22–23
