Nurses station

Not to be confused with a nursing station, which is a clinic operated by a nurse practitioner in a remote community.
A nurse's station on the right

A nurses station is an area of a health care facility (such as a hospital or nursing home) where nurses and other health care staff sit behind when not working directly with patients and can perform some of their duties. The station has a counter that can be approached by visitors and patients who wish to receive attention from the nurses. Stored behind the table are materials for which access is limited to health care staff, such as patient files, medicines, and certain types of equipment.[1]

The nursing stations do not only carryout administrative tasks, but also clinically associated functions that have impact on the delivery of care to the patients. The key functions performed are:-

  1. Secretarial work
  2. Chart processing and Management
  3. Monitoring of patients
  4. Medication preparation. [2]


  1. Designing commercial interiors By Christine M. Piotrowski, Elizabeth A. Rogers, page 271