Numangatini Tione Ariki

Numangatini Tione Ariki
High Chief of Mangaia

Numangatini Tione Ariki, (circa 1900).
Reign 1878–190?
Predecessor Numangatini Ariki
Successor Numangatini Davida-iti Ariki
House House of Nga Ariki
Dynasty Numangatini dynasty
Born Unknown
Oneroa, Mangaia
Died Unknown

Numangatini Tione Ariki (b?–d?) was a sovereign of the Cook Islands. He was ariki (king) of the Numangatini dynasty, a chiefdom on the island of Mangaia.

Early life

Tione (also known as John) was a son of Numangatini Ariki. Before Missionaries had arrived on the island, his father was married to a Mangaian woman and had a son named Tavita. After the event of Christianity Numangatini married a Rarotongan woman in a church wedding ceremony.


The Missionaries didn't recognize Tavita as rightful heir, on the excuse that he was not born in church wedlock. The opposition opposed Tione as heir, on the grounds that he was part Rarotongan. Tavita, however, died before his father. On the death of Numangatini, in 1878, a district chief installed No'oroa as ariki on the grounds that he was of senior descent, and full Mangaian.

The seat of Numangatini was made ready for No'oroa, but Miringatangi, a bigotted Church judge, as described by Frederick Moss, placed another chair besides that of No'oroa, his excuse was that Tione was the older man and an uncle and felt sorry for him. When No'oroa was installed in his seat, Tione was sitting beside him. Thus a double-arikiship was created. Both ruled, but Tione being the older and more dominant person wielded the greater influence.

Visit to London

King John paid Her Majesty Queen Victoria a visit in London. After his audience at Buckingham Palace he was careful to walk backwards and so continue facing the Queen. Victoria was so impressed at his courtesy that she presented him with a Union Flag with her picture on it, and told him that Mangaia would from that day forward forever be part of Great Britain.


See also

External links
