Northern Light Productions
Northern Light Productions is a documentary film production company based in Boston, MA. Founded in 1982 by independent filmmaker Bestor Cram, the company is one of New England's premiere production organizations, creating a variety of work for museums, visitor centers, educational institutions, and television broadcast worldwide.
Northern Light Productions was founded in 1982 when Bestor Cram, himself a Vietnam Veteran, produced How Far Home, a documentary film about the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. In 2001 another landmark film about the Vietnam War, co-produced by Northern Light Productions and titled Unfinished Symphony, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. The film went on to screen extensively throughout the United States and Europe. Unfinished Symphony, divided into three sections and mirroring the movements of Henryk Górecki's Symphony No. 3, focuses on a 1971 three-day protest in Lexington, MA staged by newly returned war veterans.[1]
Over the years, Northern Light Productions has had films in The Sundance Film Festival,[2] The Boston Film Festival,[3] The Austin Film Festival,[4] Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival,[5] International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam,[6] and others.
Recent Film and Television
This Is Where We Take Our Stand,[7] a feature-length film about veterans and active duty soldiers who voiced their opposition to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan by testifying from personal experience in Washington DC.
Primal Fear,[8] a one hour Halloween special for The History Channel.
Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison,[9] a one hour special included with the Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison album's re-release from Columbia Records.
Killer Poet: The Double Life of Norman Porter,[10] a feature-length film about the life of escaped-convict-turned-poet Norman Porter, AKA J. J. Jameson.
Recent Museum
12 media exhibits for Ocean Hall in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.[11]
An orientation experience for Lassen National Park in Mineral, CA.[12]
Destination Indiana, an interactive virtual time-travel experience for the Indiana Historical Society in Indianapolis, IN.
17 media exhibits for the Museum at Bethel Woods at the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
External links
- Northern Light Productions Website
- Northern Light Productions' Blog
- Killer Poet Website
- Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison Website
- ↑ Human Rights Watch International Film Festival 2001
- ↑ Blowen, Michael. "Soldiering On". Boston Globe. March 23, 2001.
- ↑ Bartyzel, Monika Bartyzel. "Hot Docs Review" Cinematical
- ↑ Fairweather, Kathleen. "Here's the Story: Austin Film Festival Opens Up to Docs."
- ↑ Hot Docs 2008: Killer Poet
- ↑ IDFA 2008: Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison
- ↑ This Is Where We Take Our Stand IMDB Page
- ↑ Primal Fear- History Channel Listing
- ↑ Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison IMDB Page
- ↑ Killer Poet IMDB Page
- ↑ NMNH Sant Ocean Hall News
- ↑ Lassen National Park Fall 2005 Newsletter