North York Mirror

The North York Mirror is distributed every Tuesday and Thursday to households in North York. Located in the central part of the northern section of Toronto, North York has diverse neighborhoods that represent many different cultures. The North York Mirror offers weekly community features, columns and puzzles keep residents up to date and provide a package that can be kept throughout the week in the household. It’s delivered door-to-door every Tuesday and Thursday and is available in newspaper boxes and racks including all libraries in the area.

Founded in 1957 as the Don Mills Mirror, the paper was founded by 30-year-old Russ Eastcott and 22-year-old Ken Larone and partly financed by Koffler Drugs Stores (later Shoppers Drug Mart) and distributed at its two stores. Renamed the North York Mirror in 1981, it plays an active role in the community and actively seeks events for sponsorship.

The Mirror delivers 97,250 flyer-rich newspapers to doorsteps serving the following Toronto neighbourhoods.

The newspaper is published by Toronto Community News, a division of Metroland Media Group, a Torstar company, which also publishes The Scarborough Mirror, The East York Mirror, The Beach-Riverdale Mirror, The York Guardian, The Etobicoke Guardian and The Bloor-West Villager.

There are flyer bags delivered to 93,656 apartments in the area as well


Publisher: Ian Proudfoot

General Manager: Marg Middleton

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