Norrie MacLaren

Norman Angus MacLaren (born 6 May 1948) is a Scottish Highlands-based television and film producer , fashion photographer, scriptwriter, artist, and environmentalist (and Highland gardener). McLaren was born and raised in Scotland and is the son of Lady Edith MacLaren and grandson of Edith Abney-Hastings, 12th Countess of Loudoun.

Maclaren has been involved in photography, editing and/or art direction for many British publications, such as Harpers & Queen, Deluxe and Boulevard. MacLaren's fashion photography was acquired by the British Council, (together with other works by Cecil Beaton,Terence Donovan, Helmut Newton, et al.) for a round the world touring exhibition titled 'Look At Me'. He has collaborated with Punk Design Team Rocking Russian by contributing photography, directing pop promos and designing record sleeves. Since Channel 4 began he has produced many arts, lifestyle, investigative documentaries and youth programmes, most notably the ground breaking gardening series Dig, the Working Title co-production Get a Grip on Sex, and the invention of Video Diaries .

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