Norman Baker (explorer)

For other people named Norman Baker, see Norman Baker (disambiguation).

Norman L. Baker (born 1929) was navigator on Thor Heyerdahl's Ra, Ra II and Tigris reed boat expeditions.[1][2] He was the co-author (with Barbara Murphy) of Thor Heyerdahl and the Reed Boat Ra, a 1974 children's book on the expeditions. He is a fellow and ex-director of the Explorers Club,[3] and serves as an advisor to Fara Heim, an expedition searching for signs of Viking settlements in North America.

See also


  1. Heyerdahl, T. 1972. The Ra Expeditions. Penguin Books
  2. Heyerdahl, T. 1984. The Tigris Expedition: In Search of Our Beginnings, Doubleday
  3. "Captain Norman Baker". Retrieved 31 July 2012.