
The Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research (NORDICOM) is a cooperation between the five countries of the Nordic Region – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Starting from academic research, Nordicom collects and adapts knowledge, mediating it to various user groups in the Nordic region, Europe and elsewhere in the world. Weaving and supporting networks of collaboration between the Nordic research communities and researchers abroad is a prime facet of the Nordicom work. The activities are characterized by three main working areas.

Nordicom published a Nordic journal and an English language refereed journal, as well
as books and reports in both Nordic and English languages. The database services
concerning ongoing research and scientific literature are updated continuously.
Nordicom compile and collates media statistics for the Nordic region together with
qualified analyses of current trends. Nordicom also keeps users abreast of media
politics in the European Union, the Council of Europe and the international level.
Nordicom is responsible for this knowledge centre based on a global network. The
Clearinghouse seeks to bring together and make available insights concerning young
people’s relations with media from a variety of perspectives, not least media literacy.

NORDICOM is an institution under the Nordic Council of Ministers; executive functions and the pan-Nordic part of the work are located at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. In addition to the Nordic work, a great deal is done at national level at the Universities of Århus (Denmark), Tampere (Finland), Reykjavik (Iceland), Bergen (Norway), and Gothenburg (Sweden). Director of Nordicom is PhD Ingela Wadbring, University of Gothenburg.

(source: Nordicom)

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