No Lie MRI

No Lie MRI is a San Diego-based company founded in 2002 which has been offering brain-scan lie detection services using functional magnetic resonance imaging since 2006.[1] Its president is Joel Huizenga.[2] The company licensed its technology from psychiatrist Daniel D. Langleben.[3]

In December 2006 Harvey Nathan became the first individual to be commercially tested by functional MRI lie detection. He was tested by No Lie MRI at a cost of USD 1500, to prove his innocence relating to a $200,000 insurance fraud case.[4][5][6][7] Harvey Nathan's fMRI test was filmed live by British TV. The results of the No Lie MRI tests showed that Harvey Nathan was telling the truth. The result of the insurance claim is still unresolved as of April 2013.<Harvey Nathan>

In 2009, the results of the first criminal case fMRI test, run by No Lie MRI, were submitted as evidence in a child custody case by the defendant, seeking to prove his innocence of sex abuse. The Prosecutor dropped the criminal case due to the fMRI evidence.<No Lie MRI >

In 2012, No Lie MRI, with the non-profit public benefit company Medforlaw, tested Gary Smith in Maryland for the first murder case to use fMRI. There is a 10 minute video about case at the Medforlaw website. The judge in the case did not allow the jury to see the evidence that Gary Smith was innocent of murder, because the scientists from the prosecution did not agree with the scientists from the defense. The judge stated that all the scientists needed to agree in the Frye hearing was for the fMRI evidence to be seen by the jury. The case is being appealed.<No Lie MRI>

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  1. Chen, Ingfei. "Neurolaw". Stanford Lawyer. Retrieved 27 September 2011.
  2. Miller, Greg. "Truthiness? No Lie MRI Hits the Legal System". ScienceInsider. Retrieved 27 September 2011.
  3. Madrigal, Alexis (16 March 2009). "MRI Lie Detection to Get First Day in Court". Wired Science ( Retrieved 28 September 2011.
  4. Daniel D. Langleben and Frank M. Dattilio (December 2008). "Commentary: The Future of Forensic Functional Brain Imaging". J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 36 (4): 502–504.