Nityananda sex scandal

The Nityananda sex scandal refers to a video of godman Swami Nithyananda in a compromising position with Tamil actress Ranjitha in the godman's ashram in Bidadi. Telecasted by the Tamil television Sun TV on 3 March 2010, the video created a furore in India. Nityananda was eventually arrested in Himachal Pradesh on April 21, 2010 and brought to Bangalore where he stood trial for rape and unnatural sex.[1] Zee News later listed this episode in the top five sex-scandals in India.[2]


Nityananda's life was made a movie in Telugu starring Ravi Chetan as the prodigal Nityananda.


  1. "Swami Nityananda arrested in Himachal". Times of India. 22 April 2010.
  2. "Top 5 Sex scandals". Zee News.
