Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka

Coat of arms of Sri Lanka, showing a lion holding a sword in its right forepaw surrounded by a ring made from blue lotus petals which is placed on top of a grain vase sprouting rice grains to encircle it. A Dharmacakra is on the top while a sun and moon are at the bottom on each side of the vase.
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The 19th Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka was passed by the 225-member Sri Lankan Parliament with 215 voting in favor, one against, one abstained and seven were absent, on 28 April 2015.[1] It is the most revolutionary reform ever applied to the Constitution of Sri Lanka since JR Jayawardhane became the first Executive President of Sri Lanka in 1978.[2]


The proposal for such an amendment was a leading promise of the Common Candidate of the New Democratic Front, incumbent President Maithripala Sirisena in the Presidential Election Campain 2015.[3] The main prospect of the amendment is repealing the 18th Amendment which armed the President with extreme powers[4] and reinforcing democracy in the country. It establishes a Constitutional Council which will exercise some executive powers previously held by the Executive Presidency. The 19th amendment restores many components of the 17th amendment[5] leting the Constitutional Council to set up the proposed Independent Commissions including;

  1. The Election Commission.
  2. The Public Service Commission.
  3. The National Police Commission.
  4. The Audit Service Commission.
  5. The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka.
  6. The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption.
  7. The Finance Commission.
  8. The Delimitation Commission.
  9. The National Procurement Commission.
  10. The University Grants Commission.

Drafting process

In early May 2013 the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government had started drafting a constitutional amendment to reduce the terms of office of the President and the Chief Justice to five years each, instead of Six years for the President and unlimited term, to age 65, for the Chief Justice. According to the proposed amendment, there would be no limit, however, on how often a President could be re-elected. That drafted amendment had addressed National issues of power devolution and proposed to repeal land and Police powers vested with the Provincial Councils.[6]
And by May 2013 then opposition political groups, diplomats and civil organizations like the People's Liberation Front or JVP, Jathika Hela Urumaya, Athuraliye Rathana Thero of Pivithuru Hetak National Movement,[7] Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero and Dinura Balasooriya of the Path of Good Governance had taken measures to draft a new Constitution of British Westminster system[8][9] for the country to address various issues especially the isssues arisen by the 18th Amendment.[10] The UNP had appointed a committee chaired by the Parliamentarian and former Bar Association President Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe to draft the constitution. The party also proposed as a novel system the Executive powers of the President to be exercised on political basis and to be subject to checks and balances. The proposals guaranteed the freedom of expression and the right to information. The UNP also proposed that the system of preference votes be abolished and the tenure of the Parliament and the Provincial Council fixed at five years. The Key-elements of the proposed Constitution were;[11]

  1. Restoration of the People’s Sovegnty
  2. Legislature
  3. Executive
  4. Devolution of Powers
  5. Judiciary
  6. Good Governance
  7. Participatory Democracy

A brief history up to 1978.

Queen Elizabeth II, Head of state of Ceylon

Under the Soulbury Constitution which was consisted of 1.The Ceylon Independence Act, 1947 and 2.The Ceylon (Constitution and Independence) Orders in Council 1947, Sri Lanka was then known as Ceylon.[12] The Soulbury Constitution provided a parliamentary form of Government for Ceylon and for a Judicial Service Commission and a Public Service Commission. Minority rights were safeguarded by Article 29(2) of the Constitution.. The Governor-General (The Agent of the Queen of England), the Senate and the House of Representatives exercised legislative power. The House of Representatives consisted of 101 Members, of which 95 were elected by universal suffrage and 6 were nominated by the Governor-General. That total number was increased to 151 by the 1959 Delimitation Commission and the term of the House was 5 years[13] The S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike Government set up a Joint Select Commitee of the Senate and the House of Representatives to consider a revision of the Constitution on 10 January 1958 but the Commitee was unable to come to a final conclusion on account of the propegation of Parliament on 23 May 1959.[14] A simillar attempt by the Dudley Senanayake Government was failed due to such a propegation on 22 June 1968 too.[15] The Senate consisted of 30 Members (elected 15 by the House and 15 by the Governor -General) was abolished on 2 October 1971.

Amendments to the 1946 Constitution

The Republican Constitution 1972 - Ceylon became Sri Lanka.

Sirimavo Bandaranaike came to office as the world's first Woman Prime Minister in May 1970.[17] Her United Front Government used the parliament as a Constituent Assembly and drafted a new Republican Constitution. It was promulgated on 22 May 1972. This Constitution provided for a unicameral legislature named the National State Assembly with a term of office of 6 years and Sovereignty was entirely vested in it. A nominal President with a term of office of 4 years was appointed as the Head of State by the Prime Minister, Head of the Cabinet of Miniaters responsible to the National State assembly. Ceylon was replaced by republic of Sri Lanka (Resplendent Island). this constitution contained a declaration of fundamental rights and freedom was amended on 11 February 1 975 to change the basis of delimitation of constituencies from 75,000 persons per electorate to 90,000 persons.[18]
J. R. Jayewardene who came to office in July 1977 with a five-sixths majority passed the second amendment to the 1972 Constitution on 4 October 1977 and then Prime Minister Jayawardene became the first Executive President of Sri Lanka on 4 February 1978.[19]

Challenges and legal validity.

Since the 19th Constitutional Amendment Draft Bill was presented to Parliament by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on 24 March 2015, 19 petitions were filed with regard to the new amendment. Five of them were filed for the amendment while 14 petitions were filed against it. On 9 April 2015 the petitions were considered and the abendment was reviewed by a panel of Supreme Court Judges led by Chief Justice K. Sri Pavan and determined that it was consistent with the Constitution. While presenting his submissions, the Attorney General told the court that the 19th Amendment could be passed with a two-thirds majority in Parliament without calling for a referendum. The three-judge bench ruled that the Proposed Bill complied with the provisions of Article 82(1) of the Constitution[20] but required to be passed by a special majority of the parliament as specified in Article 82 (5) of the Constitution and certain sections required to be approved by the people of the country at a general referendum.[21] The Sri Lankan government had to changed the bill several times in a bid to get the backing of parliamentary opposition parties and amended the relevant clauses and removed the sections that need a referendum before presenting it to parliament.[22]

The articles.

The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution is consisted of 38 articles.[23]

Article Definition
01Short titleThe Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution
02Amendment of Article 30 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri LankaParagraphs (1) and (2) of the 30th article of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka are changed
03Amendment of Article 31 of the ConstitutionParagraphs (3), (3A) and (4) are repealed and other two paragraphs i.e. (3) and (4) are substituted
04Amendment of Article 39 of the ConstitutionSome words of paragraph (3) in this article are deleted
05Repeal and substitution of the Heading of Chapters vii A and of Article 41 AThe heading of Chapter VII A is repealed and The Constitutional Council is substituted as the new heading. Article 41 A (1) to (11) are repealed as well
06The Constitutional CouncilArticle 41 A (1) to (6) are substituted
07Re-enactment of Article 41B, 41C, 41D, 41E, 41F, 41G and 41H of the Constitution repealed by the Eighteenth Amendment to the ConstitutionArticles 41B, 41C, 41D, 41E, 41F, 41G, and 41H of the Constitution which were repealed by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution are hereby re-enacted
08Amendment to Article 43 of the ConstitutionParagraph (2) and (3) are repealed
09Repeal of Articles 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 of the Constitution~.~
10Prime Minister, Ministers of the Cabinet and their subjects and functionsThe Member of Parliament who is most likely to command the confidence of Parliament should be appointed as the Prime Minister by the President. The Prime Minister is introduced as the Head of the Government and the Cabinet of Ministers. The number of the Cabinet Ministers is limited to 25. The President is remained as the Minister of Defence and entitled to participate in the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers
11Deputy MinistersDeputy Ministers should be appointed and / or removed by the President with concurrence of the Prime Minister
12An Executive Council to assist each MinisterArticle 45 (1) There shall be an Executive Committee for every Ministry, chaired by the Minister comprising of fourteen members appointed by the President
13Minister to submit a planned programme of workArticle 46(1) Every Minister shall within three months of being appointed submit to the President a planned programme of work of the Ministry with clearly identified aims and objectives and a time frame of performance
14Cabinet of Ministers to hold office till next General Election of Members of Parliament unless dissolved and reconstitutedArticle 47(1) The Cabinet of Ministers shall continue in office until the result of the next General Election of Members of Parliament is declared
15Disclosure of information by the executiveThe President and the Members of Parliament should be responsible and transparent (in a described manner) to the public
16Right of access to informationEvery citizen shall have a right of access to any information required to be disclosed in terms of paragraph (1) of this Article# Secretaries to Ministries
17Secretaries to MinistriesArticle 52 of the Constitution is hereby amended; by the repeal of paragraph (1) of the Article and a substitution is made
18Amendment of Article 52 of the ConstitutionArticle 52 of the Constitution is further amended in paragraph (7) by the substitution of some words
19Amendment of Article 54, 55. 56 and 57 of the ConstitutionArticles 54, 55, 56 and 57 of the Constitution are hereby amended by the repeal of the amendments made to these Articles by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution
20Amendment of Article 61E of the ConstitutionArticle 61E of the Constitution is hereby amended by the repeal of item (b) and another is substituted
21Amendment of Articles 61F and 65 of the ConstitutionArticles 61 F and 65 of the Constitution are hereby amendedby the repeal of the amendments made to these Articles by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution
22Amendment of Article 70 of the ConstitutionArticle 70 of the Constitution is hereby amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) including the proviso to that paragraph. Another paragraph and a proviso are substituted
23Replacement of Articles 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 99A of the ConstitutionArticles 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 99A of the Constitution are repealed and 99(A) is substituted
24Constitution of ParliamentThe Parliament of two hundred and twenty five members is defined
25Electoral DistrictsThe twenty two Electoral Districts are specified in the Proclamation made in terms of Article 97 of the Constitution
26Delimitation Commission Demarcation of ElectoratesA Delimitation Commission may be appointed by the President in terms of Article 41 B of the Constitution consisting of three persons one of whom to be designated as Chairman, to divide each Electoral District into Electorates # Interim provision for election of Members of Parliament to Electorates
27Interim provision for election of Members of Parliament to ElectoratesAny General Election of Members of Parliament held prior to the making of the Proclamation referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article, shall be conducted on the basis of the one hundred and sixty electoral districts in existence prior to the commencement of the Constitution, with the names assigned thereto which shall be deemed to be the Electorates for the purposes of the Constitution and the law for the time being in force in relation to such General Election of Members of Parliament notwithstanding anything in the said paragraph (4). The election of the Members of Parliament as stated in paragraph (a) of Article 95 shall be from the respective Electorates and the candidate nominated by a recognized political party or independent group, who secures the highest number of votes in each Electorate, shall be declared elected as Member of the Parliament for the Electorate bearing such name
28Election of Members of Parliament to Electoral DistrictsAny General Election of Members of Parliament held prior to the making of the Proclamation referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article, shall be conducted on the basis of the one hundred and sixty electoral districts in existence prior to the commencement of the Constitution, with the names assigned thereto
29Election of Members from National ListsThe qualifications and the procedure of appointment of the Members from National Lists are described
30Filling of VacanciesThe methodology and criteria becoming vacant the seat of a member of Parliament and filling that vacancy are declared
31The Law that will apply to the election of the President and of Members of ParliamentParliament shall by law, make provision for the election of Members of Parliament and for the election of the President and of Members of Parliament to be held simultaneously, as required by Article 31(4) of the Constitution. Until Parliament by law makes provision for such matters, the Parliamentary Election Act No. 1 of 1981 and the Presidential Elections Act No, 15 of 1981 shall Mutatis Mutandis apply, subject to the provisions of the Constitution
32Amendment of Article 103 0f the ConstitutionArticle 103 of the Constitution is hereby amended in paragraphs (1) and (7) by the repeal of the amendments effected to the said paragraphs by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution and the said subparagraphs (1) and (7) of Article 103 as enacted by the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution shall revive and be deemed to be in force
33Amendment of Article 104B of the ConstitutionArticle 104 B of the Constitution is amended
34Amendment of Article 104E of the ConstitutionArticle 104 E of the Constitution is hereby amended in paragraph (1) thereof by the repeal of the amendments effected to that paragraph by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution and the said paragraph (1) of Article 104 E as enacted by the Seventeenth Amendments to the Constitution shall revive and be deemed to be in force
35Appointment of Returning Officers to Electoral Districts and ElectoratesArticle 104F of the Constitution is amended by the repeal of paragraph (1) and a substitution is made
36Amendment of Articles 107, 109, 111D, 111E, 153 154F and 155 of the ConstitutionArticles 107, 109, 111 D, 111 E, 153, 154R and 155A of the Constitution are amended by the repeal of the amendments made to the said Article by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution and the said Article 107, 109, 111D, 111E, 153, 154R and 155A as amended by Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution shall revive and be deemed to be in force
37Further amendment of Article 107 of the ConstitutionArticle 107 of the Constitution is further amended by the repeal of paragraph (3)
38Amendment of Article 170 of the ConstitutionArticle 170 of the Constitution is hereby amended in the definition of the expression public officer by the insertionimmediately after paragraph (c ) the following new paragraph (c a) a member of the Constitutional Council


  1. "Sri Lanka: 19A to the Constitution passed in parliament".
  2. "Mr. J.R. Jayewardene becomes Prime Minister; subsequently becomes Sri Lanka's first Executive President.".
  3. "Full Text Of Maithripala Sirisena's Election Manifesto".
  4. "18th Amendment: Making a Mockery of Democracy in Sri Lanka".
  6. "Sri Lankan government drafts a new amendment to the Constitution".
  7. "Pivithuru Hetak National Movement".
  8. "Promoting Good Governance in Post-War Sri Lanka".
  9. "".
  10. "Main opposition drafts a new constitution for Sri Lanka".
  11. "UNP proposes Westminster system".
  12. "Soulbury Commission".
  13. "1.3 The Consolidation of British Power in Sri Lanka" (PDF).
  14. "An Insider's Perspective - The Sri Lankan Republic at 40" (PDF).
  15. "Asia Times: SRI LANKA: The Untold Story".
  16. "Ceylon Constitution Order in Council 1946".
  17. "Sirimavo Bandaranaike: First woman premier".
  18. "The 1972 Republican Constitution in the Postcolonial Constitutional Evolution of Sri Lanka" (PDF).
  19. "Constitutional history of Sri Lanka".
  21. "Sri Lanka Supreme Court rules on 19th Amendment to the Constitution".
  22. "Sri Lanka parliament postpones debate on 19th Amendment to Constitution".
  23. "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution" (PDF).