Nils Johan Ekdahl

Nils Johan Ekdahl

Nils Johan Ekdahl (27 April 1799 in Fågeltofta, Sweden – 20 December 1870 in Stockholm, Sweden) was a Swedish theologian, political writer and cultural historian.

Student in Lund in 1820, ordination as pastor in 1822, employed as a preacher in Stockholm in 1825. In his spare time, he devoted himself to historical and archaeological research, and traveled from 1827 to 1830 through the landscape of Norrland in the north of Sweden, about which he reports in his treatise Om vattuminskningen i norra poltrakterna (1865). In his last years of life Ekdahl was also a staunch supporter of the Icelandic theologian Magnús Eiríksson (1806–1881), of whom he translated two books into Swedish.[1]

Main works

Secondary literature on Ekdahl


  1. See Johannis Evangelium. Är det en äkta apostolisk bok och är dess lära: att Gud är vorden menniska, en sann och kristlig lära? En Religiös-Dogmatisk Historisk-Kritisk Undersökning, Stockholm 1864 and Läran om dopet, Stockholm 1865 [the Swedish translation of Eiríksson's Hvem har Ret: Grundtvigianerne eller deres Modstandere? (1863).

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