Nicola Fiorenza

Nicola (Nicolò) Fiorenza (born after 1700 in Naples; died 13 April 1764) was an Italian violinist and composer of the Neapolitan Baroque period.


Reliable biographical information concerning Fiorenza is extremely scarce, thus little is known about his schooling. Fiorenza was educated at the Conservatory of S. Maria di Loreto, presumably also by Francesco Barbella. In 1726 Fiorenza was a cellist in the Neapolitan Royal Chapel (Court) orchestra, replacing Francesco Alborea who had moved to Vienna. He later got a steady job as a violinist.

In 1743 Fiorenza and four other equally qualified candidates were vying to become the head of the strings class at the Conservatory. The decision was to be made by drawing lots. Fiorenza drew the winning lot and became teacher of the class of the Institute that was led by Francesco Durante. However from around 1760, claims were made against Fiorenza that he beat and mistreated his students resulting in some of them abandoning their studies. For this reason, the management of the Conservatory was forced to dismiss Fiorenza in 1762.

From 1758 he held the post of concert master or head violinist of the Royal Chapel Orchestra, as successor to Domenico de Matteis.

Cultural background

Naples played a very important role in European music of the 18th century. With its theaters, schools and particularly four conservatories, the city was a breeding ground for musicians and artists that produced in this period a remarkable musical style.


Fiorenza's musical legacy consists of about thirty traditional hand-written compositions that date from the period between 1726 and 1736. However, it is assumed that during the period he taught at the Conservatory he wrote more works. His surviving works, mostly instrumental, are collected in a manuscript at the Naples Conservatory S. Pietro a Majella: fifteen concertos for different combinations of instruments and nine symphonies, some of which are enlivened by virtuoso solos or wind instruments, which make them comparable to the concerto form. Curiously enough is that one of his works was misattributed to Haydn until quite recently; this, however, is rather far-fetched, as Fiorenza's music unquestionably belongs to the Baroque period and it shows the strong influence of the Venetian school, though his own personality is easily detectable as well. A fine connoisseur of the main styles in use at the time, from the elegance of the French Baroque, to the improvisation of the Venetian masters, to the Neapolitan popular legacy, as well as a master in counterpoint, Fiorenza merged all of these elements into a synthesis of his own, which sets him apart from the mainstream musical style.

Some of the most remarkable compositions are the Concertos for recorder (musical instrument) (fipple flute woodwind type), strings and continuo.

The currently available works include violin sonatas, trio sonatas, string symphonies with three and four violins and solo concerts for various instruments. Stylistically, his works range from the strict pattern of Corelli's church sonatas to the galant work of Durante.