Nick Kasnoff

Nick Kasnoff
As the World Turns character
Portrayed by Jordan Woolley
First appearance December 27, 2005
Last appearance June 2, 2006
Occupation Police Detective
Residence As the World Turns, Illinois

Nick Kasnoff was a fictional character from the soap opera As the World Turns. He was portrayed by Jordan Woolley from December 27, 2005 to June 2, 2006.

Background Story

Nick Kasnoff arrived in town on his motorcycle and met a blonde woman with car trouble. He flirted with her and offered to give her a ride into town with his motor. The woman was disgusted by his behavior and turned down his offer. Later that day, Nick saved the day by risking his life to get a bomb away from the Oakdale TV station WOAK. Nick survived and was reunited with his cousin Mike, who was also there. It was that day too that Nick met the blonde again, who was no other than Carly Snyder, the wife off former cop Jack. Jack wasn't thrilled with Nicks flirtation with his wife, but was outraged when he heard that Nick was his replacement at Oakdale PD.

Despite being Jacks wife, Nick didn't stop flirting with Carly, who still didn't liked it. In fact, she was even more disgusted by him, knowing now that he had Jacks old position. Nick moved into Mike and Katie's house. Nick wasn't liked too much by his co-workers, but Hal had to admit Nick was doing a good job. That was until he messed up a case about the presumed dead Paul Ryan. Nick was convinced Paul was dead, but Jack knew the evidence wasn't good enough to close this case. Jack notified Hal about this and he got to the bottom off things. Paul turned out to be alive after all and Jack was given back his job. However, Hal couldn't fire Nick, so Jack had to share his old position with him. They got into fights many times about their own opinions on cases, but Hal forced them to work together.

Then, Jack was informed by Mike that he had discovered a body in Jacks basement. The body turned out to be Maya Gold, a woman Mike used to know once. All evidence points out to Mike and he is arrested. Nick refuses to believe that his cousin could something like this, so when not much later suddenly evidence disappears, Jack's convinced that Nick is behind it. Katie and Carly start an investigation on their own, but get into it way too deep. Katie discovers the missing evidence in one off Mike's boxes, but Cary discovers the missing evidence in Nicks coat at the same time. They compare things and realize that maybe Nick wasn't covering for Mike, but for himself. Katie informs Jack, but when Jack says Nick has an alibi at the date of Maya's murder, Katie and Carly rest the case. Unfortunately, Mike is aware of this information and realizes himself something. He makes a phonecall to his brother and his suspicion is confirmed. No one knows where Nick was at the time of Maya's murder. At the same time, Nick realizes everybody's getting too close and decides to make a run. Carly and Katie discover his crime and get into Nicks car. He takes them hostage while Mike and Jack realize what Nick did. They go after him to get their wives back. Katie gets out safe, but Jack finds an empty car and no sign of Nick or Carly.

Nick still has Carly, who is badly injured. Nick can't kill someone again, so he leaves her behind and calls Mike. Katie overhears the conversation and goes after Mike. Mike tries to calm down his cousin, but Nick is outraged with everything and refuses to turn himself in. He then attacks Mike and knocks him out. Katie comes in and Nick tries to attack her too. She grabs his gun and shoots him. Mike won't let Katie help him and turns away from her. His rage becomes bigger when he is informed that Nick has died.

See also