Nicetas of Heraclea

Native name Νικήτας
Nationality Greek
Occupation Clergyman
Religion Christian

Nicetas (Νικήτας) was an 11th-century Greek clergyman. A deacon of St. Sophia, Constantinople, he was a nephew of the bishop Serres or Serrae in Macedonia. Eventually he became Metropolitan of Heraclea (Pontus), at the end of the eleventh century. He was a prolific writer.[1]

He is sometimes confused with Nicetas Paphlagon.


He compiled catenas on Matthew, Luke and John.[2]

  1. Commentarii in Gregor. Nazianzeni Tetrasticha et Monosticha
  2. Responsa Canonica ad Interrogationes cujusdam Constantini Episcopi


  1. Krumbacher, Gesch. der byzant. Litt. (Munich, 1897), 137 sqq, 211 sqq, 215 sqq, 587, etc.
  2. A. Di Berardino, Patrology, tr. Adrian Walford, (2006) p. 646