Nguyễn Sơn

Nguyễn Sơn (1908–21 October 1956) was a Vietnamese military figure in the war against the French.[1][2] Sơn spent much of his early years in China, and was one of the few Vietnamese who had participated in the Long March with the Chinese Communist Party and who managed to survive.[3] He has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in both the Vietnam People's Army and the Chinese People's Liberation Army.[4]

He married Lê Hằng Huân, one of the famed daughters of writer Lê Dư, his sister-in-laws being Lê Hằng Phương wife of the writer Vũ Ngọc Phan, and Lê Hằng Phấn wife of the writer Hoàng Văn Chí.


  1. Cheng Guan Ang Vietnamese Communists' Relations with China and the Second ... 1997 "launching of its three-year economic plan (1958-1960), Chinese assistance remained considerable.47 On 21 October 1956, it was reported that Brigadier General Nguyen Son died of cancer. Nguyen Son was the former commander-in-chief ."
  2. Making Sense of the Vietnam Wars Mark Philip Bradley, Marilyn B. Young - 2008 "... such as General Nguyen Son, an early Communist Party member who spent most of his career in China, where he ..."
  3. Kim Ngoc Bao Ninh A World Transformed: The Politics of Culture in ... 2002 - Page 87 "Interzone 4, for example, was the dominant locale in the memories of most intellectuals of the anti-French period in large part because it was under the leadership of Gen. Nguyen San. Gen. Nguyen Son was a figure of mythic proportions even before the August Revolution because he was one of the few Vietnamese who had participated in the Long March with the Chinese Communist Party and managed to survive."
  4. Trịnh Tố Long, "Có một vị tướng như thế", Tiền Phong, retrieved on 21 October 2014.