
Image of the book jacket cover
Author Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny
Country United States
Language English
Subject Social Science, Media Studies, Language Arts, Journalism, Political Science, Civics
Genre Nonfiction
Published 2014 (Simon & Schuster)
Media type Print
Pages 224
ISBN 9781476706511
Text Newsfail at the book publisher's website

Newsfail: Climate Change, Feminism, Gun Control, and Other Fun Stuff We Talk About Because Nobody Else Will is a book written by Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny, hosts of internet radio show Citizen Radio. Published by Simon & Schuster in 2014, the book is "hilarious and informative primer on the most urgent issues of our day".[1]


  1. "Newsfail". Simon & Schuster. Retrieved 28 December 2014.

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