New Corrientes Party

For the airport in Alaska with that ICAO code PANU, see Nulato Airport.

The New Corrientes Party (Spanish: Partido Nuevo Corrientes, PANU) is a social-liberal political party in Corrientes Province, Argentina.

PANU's leading figure is former governor Raúl 'Tato' Romero Feris although its formal leader is Horacio Colombo. The party had one senator in the Argentine Senate, Isabel Viudes. However, she was expelled from the Party in 2008 for supporting the Government in a crucial Senate vote and has since announced she will be joining the ruling group.[1]


  1. "Otra estudiante 'enamorada': La correntina Isabel Viudes se hizo kirchnerista", Urgente24, 27 February 2009. Accessed 13 April 2009.

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