Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1

Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1

PDB rendering based on 1gd5.
Available structures
PDB Ortholog search: PDBe, RCSB
SymbolsNCF1 ; NCF1A; NOXO2; SH3PXD1A; p47phox
External IDsOMIM: 608512 MGI: 97283 HomoloGene: 30964 ChEMBL: 1613743 GeneCards: NCF1 Gene
RefSeq (mRNA)NM_000265NM_001286037
RefSeq (protein)NP_000256NP_001272966
Location (UCSC)Chr 7:
74.19 – 74.2 Mb
Chr 5:
134.22 – 134.23 Mb
PubMed search

Neutrophil cytosol factor 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NCF1 gene.


The protein encoded by this gene is a 47 kDa cytosolic subunit of neutrophil NADPH oxidase. This oxidase is a multicomponent enzyme that is activated to produce superoxide anion. Mutations in this gene have been associated with chronic granulomatous disease.[1] p47 is vital to the activation of NADPH oxidase. P47 becomes heavily phosphorylated


Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1 has been shown to interact with:


  1. "Entrez Gene: NCF1 neutrophil cytosolic factor 1, (chronic granulomatous disease, autosomal 1)".
  2. Wientjes FB, Reeves EP, Soskic V, Furthmayr H, Segal AW (Nov 2001). "The NADPH oxidase components p47(phox) and p40(phox) bind to moesin through their PX domain". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 289 (2): 382–8. doi:10.1006/bbrc.2001.5982. PMID 11716484.
  3. Lapouge K, Smith SJ, Groemping Y, Rittinger K (Mar 2002). "Architecture of the p40-p47-p67phox complex in the resting state of the NADPH oxidase. A central role for p67phox". J. Biol. Chem. 277 (12): 10121–8. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112065200. PMID 11796733.
  4. Grizot S, Grandvaux N, Fieschi F, Fauré J, Massenet C, Andrieu JP et al. (Mar 2001). "Small angle neutron scattering and gel filtration analyses of neutrophil NADPH oxidase cytosolic factors highlight the role of the C-terminal end of p47phox in the association with p40phox". Biochemistry 40 (10): 3127–33. doi:10.1021/bi0028439. PMID 11258927.
  5. Sathyamoorthy M, de Mendez I, Adams AG, Leto TL (Apr 1997). "p40(phox) down-regulates NADPH oxidase activity through interactions with its SH3 domain". J. Biol. Chem. 272 (14): 9141–6. doi:10.1074/jbc.272.14.9141. PMID 9083043.
  6. Gu Y, Xu YC, Wu RF, Nwariaku FE, Souza RF, Flores SC et al. (May 2003). "p47phox participates in activation of RelA in endothelial cells". J. Biol. Chem. 278 (19): 17210–7. doi:10.1074/jbc.M210314200. PMID 12618429.

Further reading