Networks II

Networks II is an Apple II-based single-tasking BBS package, written by Nick Naimo. It is one of the earlier BBS software programs to be written for the Apple II, which was at the time dominated by mini and mainframe-based BBS', including CBBS. The exact year of its birth is undocumented, but BBSs running Networks II were seen as early as 1981.

Written entirely in Applesoft BASIC and 6502 assembly language, earlier versions of Networks II was compatible with only the Hayes Micromodem II family of modems and compatibles. Later versions were written to take advantage of the Novation Apple-CAT II and the Hayes Smartmodem lines with an Apple Super Serial or compatible card.

Throughout its lifespan, Networks II runs only under DOS 3.x. It also supports up to four Disk II or compatible disk drives.

Original features

The original, un-hacked features of Networks II include:


See also