Network Rail Control Periods

Network Rail Control Periods are the 5-year timespans into which Network Rail, the owner and operator of most of the rail infrastructure in Great Britain, works for financial and other planning purposes. Each Control Period begins on 1 April and ends on 31 March to coincide with the financial year. These periods were inherited from Railtrack, so that the earlier ones are retrospective, and not necessarily of 5 years duration.

As Network Rail is responsible for developing and maintaining railway infrastructure, the Control Periods are used to decide priorities for investment. Infrastructure developments have taken place or are planned as follows:

Control Period 3 (CP3): 2004–2009

CP3 included the following work:[1]

Control Period 4 (CP4): 2009–2014

CP4 includes the following work as part of the Enhancements Programme:

Control Period 5 (CP5): 2014-2019

CP5 includes:[2]

Control Period 6 (CP6): 2019-2024

No plans for the Control Period 6 have yet been made.

Control Period 7 (CP7): 2024-2029

No plans for the Control Period 7 have yet been made.

Control Period 8 (CP8): 2029-2034

No plans for the Control Period 8 have yet been made.


3. last reviewed 16 April 2014 at 12:13. The page is next due for review 13 October 2015. Accessed 15/07/14

External links